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People are saying lots of Good Things about Midland, and we'd like to share some of their comments with you and the rest of the community. We're proud of Midland, and we're glad you are, too!

We love coming to Midland. We look at it as a little bit of heaven. - (volleyball referee)

Midland prepared me on how to be organized and plan events! It's coming in pretty handy right about now. - (former student planning a wedding)

Every time a new year begins, and I see all these amazing faculty / staff who are devoting their time and attention to the education of our children, not just in the books, but in their spiritual walk as well, I am overwhelmed. It is worth every penny! - (Elementary parent)

We should be really proud of our Midland students and our music director for their contribution to the MAUC Music Festival. It's events like this that will help produce the next generation of "post-graduation" choral singers - (High school parent)

Mrs. Fairchild is to Midland like Siri is to your iPhone...(faculty member)

 When getting my son ready for the first day of school, I noticed he was crying. When I asked him why he was sad he said, 'No Mom, these are tears of joy!'" - (elementary parent)

All of my kids went to Midland and if I had the same decision to make over again, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute. - (former parent)

Teachers at Midand are more than just teachers; they are counselors you can TALK to. - (former student)

I wanted to go to Midland - it's the happy school. - (former student)

Come to Midland, you can learn about God every day. It is much better than a public school in that way. The best thing is, you can join right now, in the middle of the year and learn about God. So come on over and bring your school supplies. Join now! - (elementary student)

Mr. Hutchison is the reason I can make my voice high and low; I just thank Mr. Hutchison. - (former elementary student)

Mr. Teller = best math teacher. Every other needs to step up their game. #IGrapehedLinesIn9thGrade #HisTeachingsAreLockedInMyBrain - (former student)

When my 2nd grader came home and not only knew the theme for the week but wanted to be at school instead of at home with Grandma, who was visiting from out of town, I knew how important the daily Week of Prayer Chapels were for my child. Thank you for arranging this amazing week for our kids. - (Elementary parent)

I was told that it was my day to be prayed for by the staff at Midland. Made my day, awesome! - (high school student)

It's always good when your favorite subject is taught by your favorite teacher. (high school student)

I'm proud that my highest grade is in geometry. Good teacher, good work.  (high school student)

I'm a month+ into college statistics and it's still stuff I learned junior year from Mr. Teller. Good math teacher.  (former student)

I hear more good comments about Grandparents Day than almost anything. It's a great day for our school! (staff member)

Love your school’s website AND the fact that you have a school song! I’ve only been to one SDA school my entire life that had a school song. And I still remember every word. (via email)

I couldn't be happier finishing off high school at Midland. (high school senior)

The teachers love these kids and the kids know it. (elementary parent)

I went to your website [for information], that's what I do. . . . your website is fantastic! (Mayor's office - Shawnee)

The teachers here offer challenging courses, but still make them relatively easy to understand. The teachers are very dedicated to giving extra help to students. (high school student)

I appreciate the up-to-date content I was able to find on Midland's website. (former student)

When you are a teacher at Midland, your day doesn't stop when the final bell rings. (college recruiter)

My school is on Twitter? ha awesome @MAAMustangs #myschooliscoolerthanyours (high school student)

We love that our boys can be in an environment where being Christian is cool! (elementary parent)

"The teachers are available to talk and help you whenever you need them to." (high school student)

"I think academically Midland is very challenging. Midland has wonderful academic excellence." (elementary student)

"All of the teacher are very Christ-centered and the daily chapels help keep your day centered around God." (high school student)

"I enjoy it when the Pastors and Elders come into our classrooms and pray with us. It shows they really care about us." (elementary student)

"My favorite thing about Midland is that it taught me to be a leader." (Midland alumnus)

"We learn about God and pray every day." (elementary student)

"If the Midland choir had sung the National Anthem [at the Super Bowl], it would have been sung accurately, respectfully, and beautifully." (parent of former students)

"I like praying and doing homework EVERY day!" (elementary student)

"I'm glad I've started looking at the website--it is so upscale!!!!" (parent of former student)

"I like all of my classes, and learn a lot. We have strong and devoted teachers that know what they are doing. My math and science teachers are the best I've ever had." (high school student)

"Every teacher has different methods and ways to help us learn. The variation between lectures, experiments/projects, and reading helps prepare for the different methods of college professors."  (high school student)

"I like the coaching staff and volleyball and basketball. The coaches are very uplifting." (high school student)

"We have students and adults who are willing and excited about providing Midland with Youth Rallies, vespers, retreats and powerful speakers."(high school student)

"When discussing whether to give Midland the highest accreditation rating, we decided, 'If not Midland, then who?'" (Chair of visiting accreditation team)

"Science gets better every year. We have a good science lab and a teacher who is excited about trying new ways of teaching." (high school student)

"The atmosphere around you just feels like God is there. The Bible classes are great and we regularly do spiritually based things here." (elementary student)

"I'm getting smarter, and I owe it all to my teachers." (elementary student)

"It's education worth paying for." (high school parent)

"We're so glad we found out about Midland - [our son] loves it there; there's just a real family/close-knit feel at the school." (elementary parent)

"I must tell you how much I appreciate your keeping the MAA website up-to-date and user friendly." (high school parent)

"It is SO COOL when your own child (who you know better than any one else…at least you think you do) surprises you in a way that you could never have imagined." (high school parent)

"I really appreciate Midland's website, as that is the method I use to keep myself informed; and I use it often! It is a great reference tool, marketing tool and communication tool." (high school parent)

"I can really sense the presence of the Holy Spirit on your campus." (high school parent)

"[Our child] has never been able to attend as many Christian activities as they have at Midland. There is always something to do, and we have had tremendous support from the school staff; we sincerely appreciate it!" (high school parent)

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