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ACT Testing

Midland Adventist Academy is one of two non-Saturday ACT Test Centers in the Kansas City area. These centers are scheduled for students who cannot test on Saturday because of their religious convictions. During the 2024-2025 school year, the ACT test will be offered at Midland on three separate dates. Starting time for each date is 8:00 a.m.
     Sunday Test Dates                Registration Deadlines
     October 27, 2024                     September 20, 2024
     December 15, 2024                 November 8, 2024       
     February 9, 2025                     January 3, 2025

Click HERE to access our FAQ for taking the ACT test at Midland
Click HERE to access the ACT website (actstudent.org)

MAP Testing

Students in grades K - 12 will participate in MAP Assessments three times during the school year - Fall, Winter and Spring. (specifically September, January, and April)


Students in grade 11 will take the PSAT/NMSQT test on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test™. The PSAT/NMSQT measures student skills in writing, critical reading, and math problem-solving.

It also gives students an opportunity to enter the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship program.

Click here to access the PSAT/NMSQT website. 

Department of Motor Vehicles Written Tests

Are you working on your drivers test? Does it worry you that nearly 60% of first-time test takers fail?

Worry no more, because the DMV now offers practice tests for both cars and motorcycles. These tests can be a very helpful resource for students as they prepare to take their driving test. As they say, practice makes perfect and the online tests allow repeated practice so students arrive at the testing center confident that they will pass.

Car tests    Motorcycle tests    CDL tests    Road Sign tests

Practice tests help students perform well when the pressure is on - what do you have to lose?!

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