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With over 300 Midland alumni to choose from, we're sure you're doing and achieving some amazing things. To help spread the word, we'll be featuring new alumni success stories whenever we get them. We're counting on you to let us know what's happening out there, so send us news if you have news of a former Midland Mustang!  

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Alumni Update - JoAnna Rockufeler

May 2023 - Midland alum JoAnna Rockufeler (class of 1999) recently passed her certifications as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. She is currently working in Independence, MO in a clinic that works primarily with pediatric patients. She also helps out as an assistant coach for our volleyball and basketball teams. 

Alumni Update - Kareena Hansen

Feb 2023 - Midland alum Kareena Hansen (class of 2021) is spending a year in Zambia working with the Akuna group. This project is designed to help Zambian women support themselves by making and selling various types of soap. She recently posted the following:

Exciting news - the arrival of 6 Buffalo bikes! One for Akuna, one for the primary school and four for the secondary school. These bikes will save countless hours of walking and make management go more smoothly. I know for Akuna it will allow us to stay more cost efficient by avoiding using the car, and more specifically will allow Isaac, the production manager, to come back and forth between the Akuna building and the administration building. The walk takes about 30 minutes one way, so it will save an hour of time! 

Midland alums - out there, doing things!

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